
Entrance to Talamati Bushveld campEntrance to Talamati Bushveld camp

Talamati is a Xitsonga word that means "Lots of Water”, yet despite the meaning of the name, the N'waswitsontso river is actually dry....however, the clay soil acts as a giant sponge holding vast amounts of underground water and keeps the vegetation lush all year round.

A baboon walking through the gate at Talamati camp in the KNPA baboon walking through the gate into camp
Sunset at Talamati Bush Camp in the KNPSunset at Talamati, image taken from the hide steps
Talamati bungalowsTalamati bungalows


This Bushveld Camp has fifteen bungalows spread out amongst trees along the river.

Talamati BungalowTalamati Bungalow

 Each bungalow is serviced daily and provided with towels, bedding and soap.  Electricity is generated by solar panels for the lights and fans. 

The Main bedroom at Talamati Camp in the KNPThe Main bedroom with double bed
The 2nd bedroom at Talamati Camp in the KNPThe 2nd bedroom

Each bungalow has a fully equipped kitchen with a Fridge/freezer, gas stove, microwave, crockery, cutlery and cooking utensils

Kitchen at Talamati bungalowKitchen at Talamati bungalow

Each bungalow has two seating areas; a small indoor lounge.....

The kitchen and Lounge area at Talamati Bush Camp in the KNPThe kitchen and indoor lounge area

and on the veranda with a bigger out door seating area with table and chairs and braai facilities.

Talamati bungalow verandaTalamati bungalow veranda

Red Lipped Herald at our Talamati bungalowRed Lipped Herald at our Talamati bungalow

A boma area at Talamati Camp provides the ideal venue for family get togethers. The boma is situated between the two hides and away from the bungalows so other visitors won't be disturbed. It has a lovely view overlooking the veld.

Talamati boma is situated between the two hidesTalamati boma is situated between the two hides


The camp has two hides, one at the entrance of the camp, facing south and overlooking a floodlit waterhole...animal activity at the water hole is a great experience so keep an eye out after sunset to spot some of the more elusive nocturnal wildlife coming to drink.

Hide 1 at Talamati Bushveld campHide 1 at Talamati Bushveld camp
The Talamati floodlit waterhole at nightA view from the hide at night overlooking the floodlit waterhole
Talamati hide 1 side viewTalamati hide 1 side view
Talamati view from hide over waterholeTalamati view from hide over waterhole

In 2009 a leopard was photographed drinking at this waterhole at night - you can see the photographs inside the hide.

In 2015 there was another leopard sighting at the waterhole - this time the guests were treated to a few hours entertainment as the leopard stole a meal from a hyena.

Since then, a few fortunate guests have witnessed a lion kill against the camp fence and our friend, Katja Voth, saw two leopard cubs in a tree in front of her cottage!  

Just remember that the big cats usually drink at dinnertime - from 19h00 to 21h00. 

Talamatis floodlit waterholeTalamatis floodlit waterhole

The second hide faces west and is located at the other end of the camp...

Talamati 2nd hideTalamati 2nd hide
Inside 2nd Talamati hideInside 2nd Talamati hide

The second hide tends to not be as productive in terms of animal sightings as the hide close to the camp entrance. 

Veld view form 2nd hideVeld view form 2nd hide

What we have seen from the hide overlooking the waterhole.....

Elephants coming to drink at the Talamati waterholelarge herds of elephant come to the waterhole
Elephant walking past the Talamati bushcamp waterhole in the KNP They come from all directions
Zebras drinking at Talamati waterholeZebras drinking at the waterhole
Blue Wildebeest and Elephant at Talamati Bush camps waterhole in the KNPA meet and greet at the waterhole

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"...the majority of images are really impressive, each chosen for a practical reason, sometimes annotated to stress a point.

The authors clearly know what they are doing. For decades they have mapped their sightings, and in explaining how they achieved their images, they’re sharing invaluable tips on understanding wildlife behavior, reading the signs and getting yourself in the best position for the shot. 
There is a phenomenal wealth of information here; real substance."

- Craig Rix, Editor,Travel Africa Magazine, UK

There are a number of activities on offer at Talamati bush camp: like guided game drives, guided walks and bush braais, can be arranged. Please ask at reception when you check in.

Some of the animals to be seen in the area are Lion, Leopard, Hyena, Giraffe, Kudu, Eland, Sable, Impala, Zebra, Rhino, Buffalo and Wild dogs.

Lion pride in the Talamati areaLion pride in the Talamati area
Cheetah mom and cub seen on the S145 near Talamati Bushveld campCheetah mom and cub seen on the S145
Two white Rhinos sniffing the roadTwo white Rhinos sniffing the road
Wild dogs walking on the S36Wild dogs walking on the S36
Lilac-breasted Roller with catchLilac-breasted roller with catch

This page has been created to allow visitors to post their special stories and pictures for others to see.

The photographs should be taken in the camp or within the Talamati area.

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The Talamati plains 
The area around Talamati is lush all year round and this draws the zebras and antelope making winter the ideal time to visit this camp.

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